Term | Definition |
Action | Something you can do on a case using CourtSA. |
ADM number | An administration number that is allocated to a request. |
Appellant | A person appealing or seeking a review against a judgment or order. |
Applicant | A party (individual or organisation) who lodges and initiates a case (claim, cross claim or originating application) with the court. Was previously referred to as a Plaintiff on a Claim and an Applicant on an Application. |
Claim | A type of case supported by pleadings (was previously referred to as a Summons in the District and Supreme Courts). |
Contribution Claim | A document filed by the Respondent(s) outlining the contribution of the other party for the claim. |
Copy of Record | A copy of record sets out the court case history from initiation to the date of generation of the Copy of Record. |
Court file | The Court's record of the case. |
Counterclaim | A cross action in which an existing party seeks final relief from the Court against another existing party. |
CourtSA | The online service where court users can initiate new cases, defend cases, lodge documents, download documents and view their case (with some exceptions). |
CourtSA Form | Electronic form completed and lodged using CourtSA. |
CourtSA Generated document | Document automatically produced by CourtSA based on information provided by the user when completing a CourtSA Form. |
Cross Appeal | An appeal filed by the respondent countering the appellant's appeal. |
Cross Appellant | A person who files an appeal/review which counters the appellant's appeal/review. |
Cross Claim | A collective term encompassing cross claim types Counterclaim, Third Party Claim, Contribution Claim and Combined Counterclaim & Third Party Claim documents. |
Cross Respondent | A party called to answer an appeal/review of a Cross Appellant. |
Cross Review | A review filed by the respondent countering the appellant's review. |
Defence | A document filed by the Respondent(s) in response to the claim made by the Applicant(s). |
Defendant | Now referred to as 'Respondent'. |
Disposition | The status of the party and/or subcase. It will be either finalised or unfinalised. |
Ex parte | On the application of one party to an action in the absence of the other. |
Exhibit | A document or thing that is referred to in an affidavit or statutory declaration. It ca be evidence tendered in court. Formerly were referred to as 'Annexures' in some jurisdictions tendered in court. |
Filing Date | The date the document is accepted as part of the Court record. |
File Document Number (FDN) | A consecutive numbering system assigned to documents (with some exceptions). |
Filed by | The person that lodged the document or process. |
Finalised | When the case is closed. |
Hearing | A proceeding before the court. |
Hearing Requirements | Requests that can be made by the parties or the court relating to accessibility and safety during hearings. |
Hearing Requirements - AVL Hearing | At least one party to a hearing will appear at the hearing from another location using Audio Visual Link (AVL). |
Hearing Requirements - Courtroom with hearing loop facilities | At least one party to a hearing requires the use of a courtroom with hearing loop facilities. |
Hearing Requirements - Hearing loop equipment | At least one party to a hearing requires the assistance of hearing loop equipment. |
Hearing Requirements - Interpreter | At least one party to a hearing requires the assistance of an interpreter. |
Hearing Requirements - Other | At least one party to a hearing has requested another form of assistance. |
Hearing Requirements - Phone Hearing | At least one party to a hearing will appear from another location with the aid of a Telephone connection. |
Hearing Requirements - Registrar Appear | A registrar is required to appear at the hearing. |
Hearing Requirements - Security | At least one party to a hearing has requested additional security. |
Hearing Requirements - Wheelchair accessible courtroom | At least one party to a hearing requires the hearing to be held in a courtroom that is wheelchair accessible. |
Hearing Status | Whether the case has been listed, rescheduled, cancelled or adjourned. |
Hearing Status - Adjourned | The hearing has been postponed with a new date and time. |
Hearing Status - Cancelled | The hearing is cancelled. |
Hearing Status - Listed | The hearing has been set for hearing on a date and at a time. |
Hearing Status - Rescheduled | The hearing has been rescheduled to another date and at a time. |
Hearing type - Admission hearing | A hearing for the court to hear an admission. |
Hearing type - Appeal hearing | A hearing to appeal a decision. |
Hearing type - Appeal hearing Full Court | A hearing to appeal a decision in the Full Court. |
Hearing type - Appeal hearing Full Court part heard | A hearing of an appeal in the Full Court that is part heard. |
Hearing type - Appeal hearing part heard | A hearing of an appeal that is part heard. |
Hearing type - Argument hearing | A hearing for the parties to present evidence and arguments. |
Hearing type - Costs taxation hearing | A hearing to examine and adjust the costs claimed to have been incurred in litigation. |
Hearing type - Directions hearing | A directions hearing is a brief hearing. It is a chance for the presiding officer to discuss the progress of the case and give ‘directions’ to the parties. |
Hearing type - Evidence on Commission | A hearing where evidence is given orally as part of a Commission. |
Hearing type - Examination Summons | A hearing to examine why the judgment debtor has failed to comply with an order to pay made at a previous investigation hearing. |
Hearing type - For Mention Only | A hearing for the parties to update the court on how a matter is progressing, and deal with an administrative matter such as setting dates. |
Hearing type - General hearing | A hearing for an application. |
Hearing type - Hearing | A hearing for the case to appear in court. |
Hearing type - In chambers hearing | A hearing outside the courtroom. |
Hearing type - Initial directions hearing | The first hearing for a Claim. |
Hearing type - Investigation Summons | A hearing for the Court to examine the judgment debtor's ability to pay the debt and how the debt will be paid. |
Hearing type - Judgment hearing | A hearing to deliver reasons for judgment and to hearing about orders including costs. |
Hearing type - Judgment made administratively | An order for judgment is made without a court hearing. |
Hearing type - Listing conference | A hearing to list the case for trial. |
Hearing type - Mediation | A form of alternative dispute resolution where an independent person (a mediator) is appointed to help the parties come to agreement. Mediators do not decide the outcome of the dispute. They help the parties consider the issues and best outcome. Parties may choose to use mediation instead of going to court, or the court may order the parties to go to mediation in an attempt to resolve a dispute. |
Hearing type - Minor Civil Review | A hearing for review of a decision of a Magistrate or Judicial Registrar in a minor civil action. |
Hearing type - Orders made administratively | An order is made without a court hearing. |
Hearing type - Possession hearing | A hearing to decide whether property should be taken and placed in someone else's control. |
Hearing type - Pre-trial Directions Hearing | A conference between parties for the purpose of narrowing down the issues and to seek agreement on which matters should be presented at the trial. |
Hearing type - Settlement conference | A hearing for a detailed discussion of a case to try to resolve the matter or narrow the issues to be determined at trial. |
Hearing type - Special directions hearing | The first hearing for a claim when the pre action steps have not been complied with. |
Hearing type - Summons to Witness | A hearing for a request to summons be served. |
Hearing type - Suppression order review hearing | A hearing to review whether a suppression order should be lifted or varied. |
Hearing type - Trial | A hearing in a court where all evidence is heard and a final decision is made. |
Hearing type - Trial [no fee] | A hearing of a trial where no fee has been paid. |
Hearing type - Trial Full Bench | A hearing of a trial in court before the full bench. |
Hearing type - Trial Full Bench part heard | A hearing of a trial in court before the full bench that is part heard. |
Hearing type - Trial part heard | A hearing of a trial that is part heard. |
Hearing type - Trial part heard [no fee] | A hearing of a trial that is part heard without a fee. |
Hearing type - Warrant of Arrest | A hearing for an order to be made for a Warrant of Arrest to be issued. |
Hearing type - Warrant of Commitment | A hearing for a warrant of commitment. |
Higher Courts | Supreme Court, District Court and Environment, Resources and Development Court. |
Interested party | A person who has an interest in the final relief sought in an action or cross action. |
Judgment debtor | The party liable to pay a debt that the court has ordered them to pay. |
Legal Representation | Whether the person is self represented or the name of the representative. |
Lodge / lodging / lodged | How a user submits court documents to the court. The action of depositing or lodging something. |
Non-Party | Any person that is not a party to the case, including the Media. |
Notice of Alternative Contention | A responding document to an appeal where the respondent agrees with the original court/tribunal decision but believes the decision should have been based on other reasons than those provided by the court/tribunal. |
Notifications | Emails automatically sent by CourtSA. |
Online lodgement | Lodgement using CourtSA. |
Outcome | A record of what occurred and what was ordered by a presiding officer at a hearing. |
Over-the-counter lodgement | A document lodged over the counter in person. |
Plaintiff | Now referred to as 'Applicant'. |
Regular Party | An organisation or agency that regularly lodges proceedings with the Courts. A regular party can only be selected if the applicant has been given a Regular Party code. |
Rejoinder | A document lodged on a Claim or Cross Claim to reply to a Reply to Defence, or a document lodged on a Third Party Claim to respond to a Defence. |
Reply | A document lodged on a Claim or Cross Claim to reply to a Defence. . |
Requesting Party | An individual or organisation requesting service from the CAA via CourtSA. A requesting party may include a solicitor acting on instruction from an individual or organisation. |
Respondent | A party (individual or organisation) against whom a case (Claim, Cross Claim or Originating Application) has been lodged or an appeal brought. |
Role | The person's part in the case (Applicant, Respondent, Interested Party, Third Party, Fourth Party). |
Surrejoinder | A document lodged on a Claim, Cross Claim or Third Party Claim to reply to a Rejoinder. |
Supporting Document | A document that is uploaded as part of the lodgement. |
Prescribed form | A form prescribed by the Court Rules. |
Third Party | A new party brought into the proceedings by the Respondent. |
Third Party Claim | A document filed by the Respondent(s) to add another party to the action. |
Type | The category of the case (Application, Claim, etc.). |
Unfinalised | When the case is open. |